Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Status Quo

Sitting in the crew room. Seems as though the great news about recalls isn't so great.

The recalls at Trans States was predicated on that airline getting additional flying from United. Yesterday it was announced that Expressjet (who currently flies for Continental) will get the flying. All of the recalls Trans States sent out were all cancelled. I feel bad for those guys. Crazy emotional roller coaster. Hired, Furloughed, Recalled and Re-Furloughed. Ouch.

There is a sign that Delta Airlines is thinking about hiring. Yeah the REAL Delta Airlines.

For a long time they weren't allowing updates via the application site (airlineapps.com). Within the last few days they are allowing updates again. The mins are crazy low....even I qualify! Of course mins are just that....mins. Competitive qualifications will be much higher. It's a good sign though.

Bidding is up for next month as well as next year. The results for next months schedule should post on Friday while I am in the simulator. I also bid for next years vacation. All seniority based.

I should be working Thanksgiving. No big deal as it's just the wife and I here anyway.

A pilot friendof mine recently took a cross country that even makes me jealous. He is still working on building time (currently around 215 TT) . He was able to build multi-engine time with the following flight:

Little Rock to OK City, Denver, Fremont, Leadville, Aspen, Telluride, Salt Lake City, Lake Tahoe, Arcata, Oakland, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Phoenix, Sedona, Winslow, Santa Fe, Stephenville , Durant, and then back to Little Rock. He logged 39 hours of multi-engine time including several hours of IMC. He flew real SIDS and STARS. Truly amazing. Getting that kind of exposure prior to hitting an airline is a great asset.

Beyond that everything is status quo. Which in this industry is a great thing.


  1. So they'll recall pilots at Expressjet instead right? Isn't that preferable? My understanding is that Expressjet treats their pilots better than Trans States. I'd rather see a company with better compensated pilots win the contract.

    Not that I don't feel bad for the Trans States guys; I sat next to a deadheading Trans States pilot last year and he looked younger than I was (I'm 20). He was worried about getting furloughed then so I'm almost positive he has been at this point. Its scary knowing I could find myself in the same situation in a few years. I wish him all the best but there are pilots in the same situation at Expressjet, and I'm more inclined to hope Expressjet is successful than Trans States.

  2. From what I hear over at Expressjetpilots.com recalls might not be needed. I wish they would recall as I have buddies furloughed from Expressjet.

  3. From what I hear over at Expressjetpilots.com recalls might not be needed. I wish they would recall as I have buddies furloughed from Expressjet.

  4. From what I hear over at Expressjetpilots.com recalls might not be needed. I wish they would recall as I have buddies furloughed from Expressjet.


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