Sunday, March 28, 2010

New look...same geek

For a while now I have been avoiding my own blog. I hated the design. I finally took the steps today to redo it.

I use Wordpress...a popular blogging/website engine. Wordpress is somewhat flexible. I have thought about moving to for a while. Maybe next redo.

There are a ton of badly designed blogs with lots of flash/colors/fonts that confuse more than inform. I've always tried to keep my blogs simple, clean and fast loading. The previous design with the big photos on top slowed things down just a bit. Additionally they didn't look great on a phone. The new one is much more "mobile" friendly and looks nice.

For the first time ever I have ad's on my site. Not a big annoying ad...just a slim line...waaaay down at the bottom. Maybe you'll click...maybe you won't. I have never tried to make money on my blogs. I spend about $90 a year or so between paying for my domain and hosting. Sure I could find cheaper hosting...but cheap isn't always good. Maybe the ads will help.

I am thinking of adding a gallery section filled with photos from my job. Right now 3 random photos will show on the right side.

That's it for now. The good thing is I was able to do all of this while sitting airport it's almost like I was paid to work on my blog...almost.


  1. Good redesign - faster load, etc. Thanks!

  2. I agree the new look is good.

    Have you ever done a flapless landing? Saw this article which I thought might interest you:

    If you ever have to do one, don't forget the landing gear! Wow.


If you are a spammer....your post will never show up. Move along.