Monday, September 12, 2011

Same stuff, different plane

Studying is going well...I suppose. I haven't had to study intensely in almost 4 years.

The basics are the same. I have a PFD, MFD and EICAS screen in the middle. If I push on the yoke the things on the ground get bigger. If I pull back on the yoke things get smaller. If I pull WAY back pretty red arrows will appear and point me in the right direction.

There are some things this plane does automatically that my last plane required me to do. Bleh.

Today I'm going to concentrate on Memory Items and Limitations.

Memory Items are things that....must be commited to memory as they are so important that not knowing them could put the safety of flight in jepoardy.

An example of a memory item:




(1) Affected thrust lever- Confirm & Idle
(2) Affected thrust reverser, ---------Emer stow------Select

By knowing this information by heart, the actions can be done immediately without the use of a checklist. Once completed the checklist IS referenced.

Limitations would be something like:

Maximum Altitude, 41,000 ft

Starter limitation: 90 seconds on followed by 30 seconds off


There are lots of memory items and limitations to commit to memory. Hopefully all the old ones will be flushed out.

Oh yeah, don't ever buy ERJ/CRJ/737 whatever flash cards, memory items etc on line. Reason being every airline has their own ways of doing things. I've jump seated on the same plane I used to fly, but flown by a different carrier. They did things entirely differently procedure wise. I bet their memory items and limitations are different as well.

Off to make more flash cards.

1 comment:

  1. Right on and a great post. Geek!  I suspected that you might dry up while in new  aircraft school, but it it not so - and GLAD to see the post.  It would be nice to know the aircraft, but I know that you won't tell.  I and others will just suffer along with you.  A tip, funny or not, from many years in a highly technical field: When trying to confirm and validate one's understanding of a technical routine or procedure, try teachinf it to someone else.  If no victim is available, write the procedures, by hand if necessary.  I learned (or validated) a lot of procedures with this method and I know others have used it.  It may or may not work for you.  In my experience, if I can write the details for a given procedure, well enough that some other clod can understand them, then I've learned the procedure.  laugh if you like -I often have, but it really does work.  en writing the procedure in enough detail to teach someone else, It just becomes resident in one's own mind.  "Teach and ye shall learn."  I don't know where that came from and Maybe I just made it up.  It works.  Best wishes and Oh, how I wish that you could tell us more.  Standing by for lessons to help you learn.  -Craig


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